“ In life, the material factor is important, but the human element is decisive”.

Franz August Gernot Lippert

Bachelor of Laws from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS) in 1999.
Post-graduate specialization in Tax Law from Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários (Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies – IBET) in 2000, and in Corporate Law from IBMEC in 2013.
Post-graduate specialization in Taxation of Corporate Structures and Transactions from FGV/SP in 2015, in Taxation of Technology Business and Intellectual Property from FGV/SP in 2016, and in Tax Arbitration from FGV/SP and Lexdebata – Lisbon in 2019. President of the Special Committee on Tax Law of the Rio Grande do Sul Section of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/RS) for the terms of 2019–2021 and 2022-2024. President of the Institute of Taxation Studies (Instituto de EstudosTributários – IET), Director of the Federation of Trade and Service Associations of Rio Grande do Sul (Federação das Associações Comerciaise de Serviços do Rio Grande do Sul – FEDERASUL) and member of its Legal Division, member of the Technical Council on Tax, Legal, and Financial Affairs (Conselho Técnico de Assuntos Tributários, Legais and Financeiros – CONTEC) of the Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul – FIERGS), member of the Tax Law College Foundation (Fundação Escola Superior de Direito Tributário – FESDT) and of the Brazilian Institute of Tax Law (Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Tributário – IBDT). Master's degree candidate in Tax Constitutional Law and Tax Procedural Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP).


Bachelor of Laws from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS) in 1999.
Post-graduate specialization in Tax Law from Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários (Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies – IBET) in 2000, and in Corporate Law from IBMEC in 2013.
Post-graduate specialization in Taxation of Corporate Structures and Transactions from FGV/SP in 2015, in Taxation of Technology Business and Intellectual Property from FGV/SP in 2016, and in Tax Arbitration from FGV/SP and Lexdebata – Lisbon in 2019. President of the Special Committee on Tax Law of the Rio Grande do Sul Section of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/RS) for the terms of 2019–2021 and 2022-2024. President of the Institute of Taxation Studies (Instituto de EstudosTributários – IET), Director of the Federation of Trade and Service Associations of Rio Grande do Sul (Federação das Associações Comerciaise de Serviços do Rio Grande do Sul – FEDERASUL) and member of its Legal Division, member of the Technical Council on Tax, Legal, and Financial Affairs (Conselho Técnico de Assuntos Tributários, Legais and Financeiros – CONTEC) of the Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul – FIERGS), member of the Tax Law College Foundation (Fundação Escola Superior de Direito Tributário – FESDT) and of the Brazilian Institute of Tax Law (Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Tributário – IBDT). Master's degree candidate in Tax Constitutional Law and Tax Procedural Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP).