Corporate Reorganization and Bankruptcy

Lippert Advogados has extensive experience in bankruptcy proceedings, corporate reorganization, and financial restructuring processes. The firm represents various interests, whether those of the company, its partners or shareholders, secured or unsecured creditors, financiers, lessors and lessees, debtors, investment funds, and investors interested in companies in financial difficulties or in insolvency proceedings.

The law firm was one of the pioneers in the use of the Isolated Production Unit (UPI) mechanism.

It gathers professionals specialized in a wide range of areas of corporate law and litigation, which allows it to form multidisciplinary work teams, adjusted to the reality of each client.

The services offered by the firm include:

- Planning alternatives for the acquisition and sale of assets of companies, including companies in financial difficulties;

- Recovery of credits from companies in reorganization or bankruptcy proceedings, enforcement actions against the principal debtor and co-debtors, and other judicial measures aimed at protecting credits;

- Conveningmeetings of creditors, and representing clients in committees and meetings of creditors;

- Legal advice on the renewal/renegotiation of bank loans and the structuring of alternative forms of financing based on certain assets of companies in crisis;

- Participation in debt restructuring processes;

- Development of company reorganization plans and strategies;

- Corporate restructuring of companies in financial crisis.