Tax Law

Lippert Advogados provides administrative and judicial tax advisory and litigation services in a wide range of topics, involving import and export of goods and services, special customs regimes, tax classification, e-commerce, agribusiness, tax compliance, tax planning, tax recovery, structuring of transactions, legality and constitutionality challenges, and other matters involving federal, state, and municipal taxes.

Specialized attorneys provide personalized services to clients, which enables a broad overview of all alternatives, benefits, and potential risks related to each case, bringing relevant information at the time of decision making.

In its practice before higher courts, the law firm stands out in representing clients in relevant matters before the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) and the Supreme Federal Court (STF).

Lippert Advogados has experience in representing clients before the full court of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) under the general repercussion regime.

In the tax law area, the firm's practice involves:

- Advice on the application of federal, state, and municipal tax legislation, with anemphasis on analyzing and providing information on tax proceedings and transactionsconcerning direct and indirect taxes;

- Defending clients in administrative proceedings before administrative tax courts at federal, state, and municipal level;

- Fiscal review, through the identification of alternatives to reduce or simplify the tax burden;

- Petitions for refund of taxes paid in excess or unduly;

- Tax planning;

- Preparation of legal opinions;

- Monitoring of tax inspections;

- Filing for tax incentives and special tax regimes;

- Filing for and advice on payment of taxesin installments;

- Formal advice on the interpretation of tax legislation;

- Obtaining certificates;

- International Tax Law: transfer pricing and agreements to avoid double taxation;

- Monitoring tax legislation projects.